2015 White House Conference on Aging Seeks Input


Series of Regional Forums to Engage with Older Americans

The White House Conference on Aging (WHCOA) is launching a series of regional forums to engage with older Americans, their families, caregivers, leaders in the aging field, and others on the key issues affecting older Americans. 


Forum meeting locations include:


·       Tampa, FL - February 19th

·       Phoenix, AZ - March 31st

·       Seattle, WA - April 9th

·       Cleveland, OH - April 27th

·       Boston, MA - May 28th  


The forums are designed for you to help provide input and ideas for the 2015 White House Conference on Aging, which will be held in Washington, DC later this year. 


“These forums allow us the opportunity to listen and learn from older adults and stakeholders as we continue to sharpen the vision of this year’s Conference and to directly engage with individuals across the country about these important issues,” said Nora Super, Executive Director of the White House Conference on Aging, “The regional forums will help ensure that as many voices as possible are part of the conversation around the 2015 Conference.”


The regional forums are being co-sponsored with AARP and co-planned with the Leadership Council of Aging Organizations (LCAO), a coalition of more than 70 of the nation’s leading organizations serving older Americans. Participation is by invitation, but the events will be webcast to various locations.


“The White House Conference on Aging gives Americans and policymakers from both parties an opportunity to address the potential and the challenges that come with aging,” said AARP Executive Vice President Nancy LeaMond. “AARP hopes that Americans of all ages participate in this important process.” AARP is currently chair of the LCAO.


The White House Conference on Aging has been held once a decade, beginning in 1961 and is designed to help chart the course of aging policy. The 2015 Conference will focus on four areas: ensuring retirement security; promoting healthy aging; providing long-term services and supports; and protecting older Americans from financial exploitation, abuse, and neglect.


2015 marks the 50th anniversary of Medicare, Medicaid, and the Older Americans Act, as well as the 80th anniversary of Social Security. The 2015 White House Conference on Aging is an opportunity to recognize the importance of these key programs as well as to look ahead to the issues that will help shape the landscape for older Americans for the next decade. Additional information about Conference activities can be found at whitehouseconferenceonaging.gov.




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BLOG Date: Tuesday, January 27, 2015
Writer: Ryan Allen