Order Free Print Directories
Since 1992, Alternatives for Seniors, has been publishing free senior housing and care directories that are provided free to seniors and their families and healthcare professionals. The directories can be found at hospitals, senior centers, libraries, senior housing communities and other locations where they would be used. The foremost goal of the company's Alternatives for Seniors resource directories - published online and in print - is to present consumers with a source of well-organized and clearly presented senior housing and care services information detailing their many options. Together, Alternatives for Seniors and New Lifestyles publish senior housing and services directories throughout the country. To help you, we have made directories from both companies available through this order form.
Feel free to contact the Alternatives for Seniors Information Center at (888) 904-1990 if you wish to speak to an Information Specialist for personal assistance.
Please complete the form below and allow 10 - 14 business days to receive the directory of your choice.
Thank you for your interest.