Warm Water Therapy for Seniors

Warm Water Therapy: Get Wet. Get Exercise. Get Going!
Warm water therapy (WWT) is not a new concept. It’s been around for centuries. Long ago people realized the health benefits one receives from dipping into one of the many hot springs, fed by geologically-heated water sources, that dot the landscape around the globe. Today, taking a dip in a pool or warm water is often called aquatic therapy or hydrotherapy, and it includes exercising while in the water. It’s easy, it’s fun, and the benefits of warm water therapy for seniors are many.
Water provides a measure of buoyancy that reduces the resistance brought on by gravity outside of an aquatic environment. At the same time, water also provides a tolerable level of resistance that can improve or maintain wellness in function, endurance, balance, flexibility, relaxation and strength to name a few factors that directly affect wellness due to terrestrial gravity in the elderly/disabled patient groups.
Aquatic therapy has been indicated for a myriad of problems,
including, but not limited to: - Limited Range of Motion
- Pain
- Balance Deficits
- Respiratory Problems
- Circulatory Problems
- Poor Self-Esteem
- Joint Replacement
- Obesity
- Prenatal
- Orthopedic Injuries
- Neurological
- Osteoporosis
Warm Water Therapy Warm water therapy, a type of aquatic therapy, is beneficial for medical conditions that affect joint or muscle integrity, such as arthritis, amputation, muscle spasms, chronic pain, post-polio syndrome, pregnancy, and post-mastectomy. Water provides a gentle way to exercise the joints and exercises that caused too much joint stress on land can be done in water. Lowering the joint stress level will help lower pain. Aqua therapy also helps release endorphins, a natural pain killer, while the warmth of the water experience during aquatic therapy assists in relaxing muscles and vasodilates vessels, increasing blood flow to injured areas.
Warm water therapy (WWT) also allows patients to begin therapy as soon as they are immersed in the water, foregoing the need for a lengthy warm-up session. Physical therapy in warm water environments becomes more efficient than physical therapy on land since there is less time spent in just getting comfortable. In warm water therapy, treatment can begin almost immediately. Not to mention, exercising in water prevents the chance of falling while exercising on land.
So, why not give it a try? Seek an aquatic therapist in your area. If you’re living in assisted living, ask a caregiver if they know where you can get involved with warm water therapy. If you’re seeking assisted living, give
Alternatives for Seniors a call. Alternatives for Seniors can help you find a
senior apartment, or an
alzheimer’s specialty care, or
continuing-care community.
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BLOG Date: January 23, 2014
Writer: Ryan Allen